
Phantasya Communication s.r.l.

Centro Direzionale, IS/E2 - 80143, Napoli
Email: info@phantasya.it

Calle Numancia, 185 – P.2 PTA.2
Barcelona, 08034


Eva’s Buvette at the San Ferdinando Theater in Naples.

Eva’s Buvette at the San Ferdinando Theater in Naples.

Eva’s Buvette at the San Ferdinando Theater in Naples.
Great reception yesterday, Dec. 18, at the foyer of the Neapolitan San Ferdinando theater to inaugurate the refreshment area resulting from the new initiative of the Campania-based cooperative, active and present in the area since 1999.
Eva’s Cooperative has in fact been ensuring, for more than 20 years, the job placement of women who are victims of abuse, followed by anti-violence centers and welcomed by the shelters present in Campania.

The initiative, organized in collaboration with the Naples-National Theater and the Fondazione Una Nessuna Centomila, follows in the footsteps of what was already done last October 2022 with the cafeteria of the same name active in the Mercadante Theater.
A project that finds the support of the Phantasya Communication team thanks to the support of our artistic director Roberto Pantè who developed the concept design of the structure: from branding to interior design.

Read the article https://www.phantasya.it/nuovo-concept-design-della-buvette-del-teatro-mercadante-di-napoli/

Follow our socials to retrace the moments of the inauguration