
Phantasya Communication s.r.l.

Centro Direzionale, IS/E2 - 80143, Napoli
Email: info@phantasya.it

Calle Numancia, 185 – P.2 PTA.2
Barcelona, 08034



Press review


Through press review we monitor the most important newspapers, carrying out an analysis of local, national and international news, and providing a clear picture of each sector, quickly identifying the news and making it a valuable tool for any business enterprise.

Content Management


We manage, update and spread the contents correctly, publishing them periodically through social media, newsletters and email marketing campaigns, enabling this way the proper flow of information. We apply a correct organization of contents and informations to simplify and organize the web publication.

Press Office


We activate an information flow designed to strengthen the public image of our clients and ensure an accurate press service on products, initiatives and promoted events, using web and media resources to strengthen and transmit a good corporate image.

Social Media Marketing


The effective presence on social networks allows companies to increase their awareness and improve their ranking, as well as to help build loyalty by building a direct relationship with their target.

To achieve this it’s important to study the right messages, the most appropriate language, to strengthen the relationship with the target and the best distribution strategy, beginning with the choice of right channels.

SEO & Web Marketing


The traceability on the web is a critical component to the success of a company, through campaigns that integrate different actions we enable our customers to have the best position on the net.

Search engines and positioning strategies have a key value in this scenario, often leading to a positive or negative reputation of a company, so it is important to study the right course of action and ensure optimal indexing to websites through a constant work on keywords, on the exchange of links and onsite and offsite activities.



The events are a moment of interaction and direct dialogue with the public, so they have an essential communicative value in the management of relationships with the target audience and stakeholders.
We create promotional events, series of high-profile and institutional events, with the aim of creating awareness for a product or a company, an exchange of experiences and synergies from which can emerge useful proposals for economic and social development at local, regional and national levels.

NIT – Naples Institute of Technologies
Ottagora – Concorso di idee
Set design for “L’Avaro” by Molière in Rome
Ria Express
Video Crisalide
Eventi & Congressi srl
Casalnuovo 4esse
Conviene davvero fare Impresa 4.0?
Industria 4.0: incentivi fiscali e investimenti per le imprese
Innovazione e fiscalità di vantaggio