
Phantasya Communication s.r.l.

Centro Direzionale, IS/E2 - 80143, Napoli
Email: info@phantasya.it

Calle Numancia, 185 – P.2 PTA.2
Barcelona, 08034


️Nomination for the artistic direction to Roberto Pantè assigned by the municipality of vicoequense, for exhibitions and international events.

️Nomination for the artistic direction to Roberto Pantè assigned by the municipality of vicoequense, for exhibitions and international events.

Roberto Pantè has obtained a new and prestigious #engagement from the municipality of Vico Equense for the art direction in the organization of mostredarte and events of international importance.

His experience gained over the years on important and authoritative scenarios, guarantees, as head of the museums of the municipality of Vico Equense, the enhancement of the territory through the involvement of artists and names of famous world-wide.